Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Oh the places I will see...

...or maybe not. I was thinking.... Maybe the start of this blog is just the beginning? Maybe this blog ends up getting read by millions? Doubtful. However, that being said, it only takes one person with halfway decent credentials to say, "Hey, this dudes gotta point?" Only time will tell. Will I be asking Lindsay Lohan in 20 years what its like to have served those 20 behind bars for crack, on my own talk show? Naah. So what is it that drives me to entertain this very idea you ask? Its the everyday things we all go through and experience that no one ever talks about. Like when your in he stall in a public restroom doing your thing and you are happy you have the bathroom all to yourself, then, someone enters and we do the fake cough / throat clearing to make our presence known. This isn't everyday conversation, but its something that should be in my opinion. Its these idiosyncrasies for which I wish to unveil. So, remember, if its happened to you or you do it and think no one else does...you're wrong. So, going back to my evening now. Go back to yours.

No I'm serious, go.

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