Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Inaugural Post

So, after many suggestions and requests, I have finally decided to create a blog. I will use it to vent my frustrations, pleasures, humor, current events and anything else I deem "blog worthy." I hope I am able to make each day better for the readers, even if it is just a moment of comic relief or insight throughout the course of hectic day. I will not post all day long, but rather sporadically. This is not going to be a Twitter or Facebook style blog. For example, I will not be telling you I just popped a pimple on my ass or that I'm going to be here or there. It will be more of my perspective on things that pop into my mind. For those who know me, that can be anything at almost any time. If your anything like me, and I know I am, this should be fun. Please keep in mind, I hold a job. My job pays me. This does not.

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