Thursday, July 8, 2010


Um, someone care to tell me what the fuck is going on here? Apparently, some French dude "scraped his ass" this past weekend in the Tour De France. Scraped? You can see his fuckin' liver! How this cat isn't on the first heli-vac to the nearest trauma ward is beyond me. Hell, I almost had a career ending paper cut some weeks ago and I thought that was bad. This dude is grimacing like he just got stung by a bee or something. HELLO, your fucking ass fell off! I just hope when they retrace the course to look for his ass, they don't find it run over by other cyclists. A flat ass is unattractive. I understand a cut, or a bruise, or perhaps a gash, but this dudes ass simply fell off. Was he breaking the land speed record or something? I mean you'd have to be moving at rocket speed to have your ass fall off right? This is why if I ever competed in the Tour De France, Id be the only dude rockin' a banana seat. I gots to protect my shit yo. Well, I'm sure this ass-thrashing isn't life threatening, though it seems to look like it is. The good thing is that this is all "behind him now" (pun intended).

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