Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Haymaker

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It was a regular afternoon on the tough, hard-pressed, violence-ridden streets of....Seattle? This is the greatest thing I have ever seen. Two broads were walking across a main street outside of the designated walkway, aka Jaywalking. Personally, I was never too familiar with exactly how this is against the law. I mean if you want to walk outside of the crosswalk, shouldn't you be able to do so at your own risk? Nope. Its the law, and apparently Commandant Lassard over here was going to make sure he enforces it. In an attempt to apprehend the violator, he was pushed and then clocked the assailant in the mug. Whats the problem? Seriously? I don't care if I'm a cop or a butcher, if someone pushes me, I'm laying a haymaker with the fury of God right to their melon. Not to mention, this officer was in uniform and this broad didn't think twice about shoving him off her nappy little friend. As he was struggling with her, I noticed one thing that struck me as concerning. He never called for backup. Now, I know you don't wanna be the talk of the precinct because you asked for back up to deal with these two hood rats, but in case you haven't noticed pal, the crowd surrounding this hullabaloo is growing in size and they don't seem happy. I'm not getting into a race thing here, but you're a white cop roughing up an African American girl and onlookers are taping every last juicy minute. You may wanna call CHIPS or whomever to give you hand, just an idea dude. By the way, did you see the size of this cop up close in the video? He's nothing short of a small tank, not exactly the guy you wanna shove. His hands were like meat hooks and I'm fairly certain he can bench press a city bus with relative ease. They are some ballsy chicks! You know this guy was definitely pissed there were people watching or else that punch to the mug might have resulted in a piledriver on the sidewalk. You can see it in his eyes. He had enough adrenalin to rip trees from the ground. I would have just paid the $7 fine and moved on, but that's just me. Remember folks, next time you even THINK of walking outside the lines, SWAT maybe topside about to pounce your ass!

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